
A complete manufacturing scheduling system. Statii provides a comprehensive activity overview with accurate lead times and capacity reporting.

Make Informed Decisions With Priority Scheduling

Each piece of equipment can be isolated in this area, providing the user with a simple overview of common questions such as Load Vs Capacity for any given period.

The scheduling software allows the shop floor manager to make informed decisions from this report. Users can create a priority ‘work to’ list directly related to each piece of equipment or operator. Prioritise Works Order operations daily by allocating a priority number.
Clear indicators are available to advise when a particular operation or component will be complete. In its simplest form, Statii can measure any piece of equipments workload due in any selected timeframe.

Reports include:

  • Retrospective Equipment utilisation reports
  • The colour-coded indicator can capture actual production times against estimated
  • Overdue operations are easily visible by highlighting red.

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